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Effective solution for ground stabilization at the "Delta" fuel station

In the La Cresta urbanization, Panama City, a project was carried out to replace a cyclopean and masonry wall, which had structural failures due to its inclination due to the displacement of the land.

This situation posed a risk to both the operations of a nearby fuel station and the safety of vehicles and people in the parking area.

The objective of the project was to build a new geocell wall 30 meters long and 4.65 meters high, guaranteeing security and stability in the area.

Execution Methodology

The project began with the demolition of the existing wall using the batache method, which allows excavations to be carried out in alternate sections, ensuring the stability of the land. Then, the ground was excavated in stages, using an appropriate slope angle to avoid landslides.

The new geocell wall was constructed using geocell panels, which were filled with granular materials and compacted to ensure structural strength.

In addition, geogrids, non-woven geotextile and drainage pipes were installed to reinforce the wall and facilitate the evacuation of rainwater, reducing erosion risks.

A sidewalk and perimeter fence were built to improve safety, and a concrete half-round was installed to direct water into the drainage system.

Finally, the slope was shaped and grass was planted to stabilize the land.

This project not only improved the stability of the ground, but also increased security in the area, offering a modern, sustainable and efficient solution for stabilizing the ground and protecting nearby infrastructure.

Contact us!

At PANAWEB Soluciones Constructivas, we have more than 18 years of experience in ecological and economical construction technologies.

Our team is ready to help you find the best solution for your needs.

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