Privacy and security in a home are priceless. For centuries we have built fences to divide ourselves from our neighbors, patio fences that traditionally are built using cylinder blocks because there was no other material available or absence of knowledge about the alternative options.
Panaweb Constructive Solutions provides a solution for Patio Fences or divisory walls for residential areas manufactured with recycled plastic. Diverse models available enabling a more architectural look, with an attractive look, available in diverse colors and the benefit we like the most is its accessible price tag. This perimeter fence is definitely more cost effective, faster and easier to install than cylinder blocks, concrete or steel fences.
Discover the diverse models of divisory fences and decorative fences that create an attractive finish that is accessible for individual home projects and most importantly it is 100% eco-friendly preserving nature.
Per each fence lineal meter installed you are recycling 900 plastic bottles. Your constructive decision benefits the environment, our rivers and oceans. You teach the younger generations to continue preserving our nature. Be part of the change!
Discover the different models of Recycle plastic perimetral fences that we have available for your.