Cable-stayed walls are soil retaining structures that use active anchors or passive anchors to stabilize slopes.
These anchors are made with horizontal perforations or with slight inclinations within slopes, then a screen structure is made which is tied to the anchors, generating the effect of a cable-stayed screen.
This slope stabilization method requires special equipment to perform these drillings on the slopes, each situation has to be evaluated by the technicians to define the types of anchors that are made, whether these are passive anchors or active anchors that would go hand in hand with the Wall anchored.
The anchored wall is a method that does not take up space, however if it enters the slope where the anchors of the wall will be, carrying out the containment and stabilization of the slope.
These anchors with tensioners and injection of concrete grout guarantee good performance and guarantee, through the perforated anchors, an excellent result for the cable-stayed wall.